Monday, July 06, 2009

Contest Winner

Just had Monster #2 pull a winner for my 24-Hour "What Happened" Contest . . . and the winner is . . .

Rhonda Wolf!

Rhonda, drop me an email at linda_winfree at and tell me what format you'd like Uncovered in and I'll get it to you ASAP.

Thanks to everyone who entered and I hope to see you all tomorrow for the release of Uncovered.

One-Day Contest: UNCOVERED

Want to win a copy of UNCOVERED (or the choice of my backlist in ebook)?

Then here's how to enter.

Read the chapter one excerpt at . Send me your best, wildest guess at what you think is the answer to "What happened?"

Email your guess with "What Happened" Contest in the subject line to linda_winfree at before 9:00 PM EST on Monday, July 6. I'll announce the winner here at the Cafe then.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

July TTD

More list than month, I'm afraid.


1) Reread articles/chapters from graduate work
2) Revise management plan
3) Revise units, write new units, break down to daily level
4) Clean out file cabinets
5) Make new 9th/11th notebooks for the year
6) One Act plan


1) Paranormal (20K -- eek!)
2) Make headway on something


1) Help Monsters organize their closets
2) Clean out my closet, make Goodwill run
3) Landscaping. Lots and lots of landscaping . . .

Throw in all the grand jury stuff, too.

What's July look like for you?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's Official

My senior babies are gone . . . I'm going to miss them sooooo much!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I Realize . . .

. . . I must be the world's most boring blogger. The most interesting thing I'm involved in at the moment, I can't talk about. School is school -- I'm stressing the EOCT next week like I never have before. I'm already making plans for next year, which will surprise no one who actually knows me. Monster #2 and I are both jonesing for a beach trip, but have agreed that once we actually have the pool installed, that might work as a substitute.

There are only twelve more days of school!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


There are frogs everywhere! Little hoppy mini-frogs. A miniature plague. I'm hoping they grow up to eat mosquitos.

School is sooo close to being over. I'm ready. Next week is EOCT testing -- I'm not confident about it at all.

Turned in assignment one for my last grad course. Connie is laughing at me because now my portfolio has shown up to bite me.

No writing tonight. Grand jury committee meeting, then . . . oh, yeah. I read the new Lorelei James novella.

What's new with you?