Monday, July 06, 2009

Contest Winner

Just had Monster #2 pull a winner for my 24-Hour "What Happened" Contest . . . and the winner is . . .

Rhonda Wolf!

Rhonda, drop me an email at linda_winfree at and tell me what format you'd like Uncovered in and I'll get it to you ASAP.

Thanks to everyone who entered and I hope to see you all tomorrow for the release of Uncovered.

One-Day Contest: UNCOVERED

Want to win a copy of UNCOVERED (or the choice of my backlist in ebook)?

Then here's how to enter.

Read the chapter one excerpt at . Send me your best, wildest guess at what you think is the answer to "What happened?"

Email your guess with "What Happened" Contest in the subject line to linda_winfree at before 9:00 PM EST on Monday, July 6. I'll announce the winner here at the Cafe then.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

July TTD

More list than month, I'm afraid.


1) Reread articles/chapters from graduate work
2) Revise management plan
3) Revise units, write new units, break down to daily level
4) Clean out file cabinets
5) Make new 9th/11th notebooks for the year
6) One Act plan


1) Paranormal (20K -- eek!)
2) Make headway on something


1) Help Monsters organize their closets
2) Clean out my closet, make Goodwill run
3) Landscaping. Lots and lots of landscaping . . .

Throw in all the grand jury stuff, too.

What's July look like for you?