Tuesday, May 05, 2009


There are frogs everywhere! Little hoppy mini-frogs. A miniature plague. I'm hoping they grow up to eat mosquitos.

School is sooo close to being over. I'm ready. Next week is EOCT testing -- I'm not confident about it at all.

Turned in assignment one for my last grad course. Connie is laughing at me because now my portfolio has shown up to bite me.

No writing tonight. Grand jury committee meeting, then . . . oh, yeah. I read the new Lorelei James novella.

What's new with you?


Amie Stuart said...

Hopping from project to project, hoping to catch up on emails and housework this afternoon. Right now, I'm in novella land. Got a book signing this weekend so probably no writing--or very little on Sunday depending on the kids because yes, it's their weekend to stay home with me. Hoping to get about 9 more pages on the novella, then switch back to ParaRom by the weekend. Would really REALLY like to wrap up the proposal and get it off to Agent Holly :( (was actually hoping to do that LAST weekend)

Marianne Arkins said...

I love when the frogs hatch here... except ... they come out by the thousands and tend to throw themselves under the lawn mower. My DD and I try to walk ahead of the mower and scoop them up.