Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sven's Sunday Check-In

Didn’t write Thurs/Fri because going back to work after the summer off was harder than I thought it would be! But I added those words to Sat. and Sun., so still made my goal for the week.

I’m at 45,540. 8848 words for the week. Average of 1264 per day. I’m over 50% of the way to my estimated word count.

It’s HARD some days b/c I seem to bog down in the writing, but there’s something about having committed myself to those words — forces me to push through, because I’m competitive, damn it, and I refuse to give in!

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
45,540 / 85,000

1 comment:

Carol Burnside aka Annie Rayburn said...

Such dedication! I'm off to write...