Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Check-In

Scenes from St. Augustine -- One of the many bed and breakfast inns in the historic district. but with those palms and that upstairs balcony, doesn't this look like a great place to stay?
My updated TTD for school:
1) Powerpoints for first day (I dreamed last night I'd forgotten to do this)
2) Compile updated senior project packets
3) Turn in my professional development paperwork for the leadership seminar I'm taking in September
4) Find a room mother
5) Seating charts
6) Write second units for the year to round out the first nine weeks and update my gradebook pages to be printed
7) Write rubrics/test plans for 9th and 11th grades
8) Write journal prompts and create exit slips
Tomorrow night is Open House. Wednesday is the first day of school.
On the writing front, I need to finish my blurb form for Fall Into Me. I'm stuck on the section on comparative titles. I also have not yet started a new book.
I need to update my portfolio for grad school (we're required to do so at the end of each class). The only part I really dislike is writing the rationale statements that we are required to submit.


MJFredrick said...

Your list stresses ME out!!!!

Do you know what you're going to write next?

Unknown said...

OMG, I have those kinds of dreams (nightmares!) too! I just had one last night (it was the first day of class and I had nothing prepared) but I told myself in my dream that I was wrong.

Good luck with it all!