Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Progress Report

I survived! Edits turned in on MOU, print galleys turned in for HOL, graduate paper subbed on time, report card grades imported.

So now I'm polishing up A Life Unlived. I have an agent request on it (actually, two requests, although I'm considering not sending to one agent for varying reasons) and I kinda/sorta promised Maya Banks (under duress) that I'd get it out this week.

We will not discuss the number of rejections the poor book is garnering. Or rather, the number of rejections my query letter is getting. At least I've gotten to the point where I can differentiate between a rejection of my work and a rejection of me. Couple of years ago, it was all personal. Now? Not so much. And that's a good thing.

I've seen the preliminary cover art for MOU. It is gorgeous and I cannot wait to show it off. Soon, I hope.

Well, I'm headed back to line edit. Gotta keep Maya happy, LOL.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter how many rejections the book has gotten. It only takes one "yes" *g*

Send it send it send it send it

Don't make me hurt you

Linda Winfree said...

I'm working on it!