Scenes from St. Augustine -- I should be able to tell you the name of this house, but I can't. It's on the side street which runs off of San Marco and down between the oldest drug store and the new parking garage. I snapped it because I love the feel of it, with the Spanish-style second floor balcony and the dormers and that painted stucco. I am within about 2K of finishing
Fall Into Me. Now, if I could just sit down and go straight through those scenes. But nooooooo. It's not happening like that. That would be too easy.
Mary (MJ) can't believe I posted a countdown to school. I actually need that ticking clock to keep me focused on what needs to happen in July. That would be . . .
1) Clean out Monster #1's closet.
2) Clean out Monster #2's closet.
3) Get my classroom ready (I always do this before preplanning. Preplanning is for, well, planning.)
4) Clear book closet in mobile unit for Connie. (I am so
excited about sharing a unit with her!)
5) Write year, semester and unit plans for Brit Lit, Amer. Lit, 9th Writers Workshop, 9th Lit
6) Make August calendars for above classes.
7) Turn in
Fall Into Me to Anne the Editor Goddess.
Then there's the renovation TTD list for this week:
1) Paint bedroom ceiling
2) Repair wall under bedroom window (Monster #2 put his knee through my dry wall trying to look out the window)
3) Paint bedroom walls
4) Paint dresser and headboard
5) Prime bedroom floor
6) Install bedroom flooring
7) Stage furniture.
Do you make TTD lists? Or are you a play-by-ear kinda person?