Saturday, June 16, 2007

Progress Notes and Promo Worries

Well, Fish isn't out of his bad situation, but at least he's moving forward. It's slow-going though, both on the page (it's a weather-related scene) and off (I'm swamped this weekend, having to grab writing time where I can). I'd like to knock out the rest of ch. 3 this weekend.

Next week belongs to Del. Now that HOTM rewrites are done (if I'd quit fiddling with it at the sentence level), I need to finisn my edits on HOL and get both manuscripts back to Anne the Editor Goddess. Then I could have some Fish-and-Angie-only time, I think, and maybe finish the rough draft of the MS before school starts.

Carol had a great post about building characters at her blog yesterday. I'm trying to think about her points as I work with Fish in this scene, but I think his anxiety is getting in the way of his noticing much out of the ordinary.

I'm worrying about promo. I know I don't do enough, partly because I don't know what I'm doing and partly because my time is limited. I need suggestions, people! What works for you? I really need a promo plan that I can accomplish in 30-60 minutes daily. Ideas?

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